Processed and red meats have joined the ranks of tobacco, alcohol, coffee and shift work in the IARC's (International Agency for Research on Cancer) encyclopedia of carcinogens
State showcases family dairy operation in video series. The Georgia National Fair just concluded this weekend and celebrated its 25th anniversary. During the 11 days of the annual state-sponsored fair,...
Genomic testing can benefit a dairy if the results are utilized; one Idaho dairyman shared his thoughts on the use of this technology on farm. When the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) held its...
The winning 4-year-old captured top honors at World Dairy Expo's International Jersey Show. Quality ran deep in the Jersey show, and Judge Michael Heath and his associate, Wayne Stiles, both of Westminister,...
National judging winners share their good-fortune stories. For those competing at the highest level, dairy judging is serious business. Hours and years of practice and preparation go into the one contest...
What's the farm worth to the next generation? He serves as dairy transitions coordinator for Pennsylvania's Center for Dairy Excellence. Sooner or later, most farm families reach a point where they must...
"Boots on the ground" provide service The world's largest Mozzarella manufacturer became a local company halfway around the world by opening a business center in Singapore. by Hoard's Dairyman staff Leprino...
Webinar stresses the importance of diligent administration protocols. "People are not perfect," stated Pam Ruegg, D.V.M., with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For that reason, every attempt should...
For genomics to pay, you must use the information to keep or produce a larger supply of genetically superior heifers and remove the genetically inferior. That goal cannot get lost in the shuffle. by Patrick...
Europe currently maintains a tight leash on farmers in terms of what genetically modified (GM) crops they can use. Just one GM crop is cultivated in Europe right now: maize. Almost 60 GM crops are permitted...
If you're like me, I have always believed living and working in the country does my soul good. And that is precisely why many of us work and live on dairy farms dotted throughout the rural countryside
German scientists recently discovered a haplotype that limits a Holstein calf's ability to digest cholesterol. In these instances, calves eventually deplete all fat reserves, including those found around...
Handy Hint: August 10, 2015 Combine gates for a flexible cattle corral Andy Musgrave of Pittsfield, Ill., was looking for a way to create portable cattle corrals. He took 20-foot metal gates and welded...
Gypsum, a product recycled from manufacturing and construction waste, has hit the agricultural scene. When added to the soil, gypsum adds sulfur and calcium while reducing phosphorus runoff. In some situations,...
"Some cows need $2 less in feed daily to produce the same amount of product. Can we find these efficient cows?" Michigan State's Mike VandeHaar asked the audience at the joint annual meeting of the American...
A dairy farm family showcases their love for agriculture through a tractor show. By Brittany Statz, 2015 Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern Brand loyalty runs deep in agriculture, particularly where machinery...
Just as the introduction of genomics - the DNA-based study of genetics - caused many dairy producers not previously interested in genetics to take notice, the government's Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy)...